Monday, January 16, 2012

Today is the first official day of sales....yeah!!!Can't wait!!Tomorrow I'm going shopping with my sister....and I have a lot of things in my mind!You can find great deals on sales but you have to hurry up though!Check out the online stores too. Check ASOS they have bargains up to 70% off......Wow!!!
Happy Shopping then!!!!

Good morning.....second day of my blog today and I'm so excited!!!Can't wait to show everything I have on my mind. Stay tuned then!!!

some strass and cookies

After a lot of thought I decided to create my own blog and share everything I have on my personal looks,yummy recipes and smart tips. 
Hope you like my blog, I'm new at this so I'll need a little time to get used to it.
I love my boyfriend, my dog spithas, bright colours on my nails and cooking!!!
Enjoy....All you need is some strass and cookie.....!!!!