Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Easter snapshots!

Hello everyone! Here some photos of my Easter day at the countryside plus my Easter outfit. As you can see I chose a really comfy outfit for the day. The second pic is me and my sister wearing the same watch from Swatch in a different colour....I love this's perfect for spring and summer!
Hope you like them!

Outfit: Pants, Tee, Cardigan and Ballerinas: Zara/ Foulard: Stradivarius

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Happy Easter!!!

Hello have you been? I know that most of you have already celebrated Easter but as in Greece we are orthodoxs our Easter celebration is tomorrow and most people celebrate it near the countryside with roasted lamp and easter eggs! As for myself, I'm leaving today too for the countryside cause tonight is the ressurresction night and it's a quite vivid celebration for orthodoxs!
I'm leaving you now with some easter photos and promise to publish pictures from the countryside!
So how you're going to spend your easter and for those of you that did celebrate was it?
I'm wishing everybody a Very Happy Easter!!!!